Sunday, April 14, 2013

Clay and Crystal!

Amy's (my BFF) Brother Clay married his long time love and baby momma last week on Monday. It was an unusual wedding for me to shoot and provided some challenges but overall I had a blast! Andrew and I stayed at the hotel that night and then headed home at 4am on tuesday so I could make it to class by one. I didn't make it. I was too tired, never again will we travel THAT early! 

The wedding itself was a little on edge because of 65 mile an hour wind gusts! Chairs were blowing away, hair and skirts were flying, it was definitely a fun start! 

This wedding wouldn't have been as fun with out this woman. Nobody knew who she was and apparently she lived at the hotel. We couldn't quite understand what she was trying to say to us but she definitely behaved out of the social norm. But she was so cuddly!

1 comment:

  1. They're all so sweet, Lalo! (Except one - can you guess which?) ;)
