Thursday, March 7, 2013


Seriously, other than people these gorgeous things are my favorite to shoot.

Head over to Jennies facebook page and give her a "like" you might even win a box of chocolates!

Jennie wanted to showcase her cute egg that you crack open for goodies but we were both in a hurry and the chocolate was of course being uncooperative, so in a pinch I decided to do extra photo shop work to make it look beautiful!

The raw photo:

Put it in photoshop and sealed the edges and made a didactic to show what's inside, I love it.


  1. Cool! I love the last one. You are really good at this. I saw a photo of a submarine sandwich today for a gas station that said, "Hot and Cold Sandwiches Inside". It looked like they took the photo theirself - I SCOFFED at it. 'Laura can take a wayyy better picture than that!'
