Thursday, March 28, 2013

Millar Family Preview

Oy this is going to be a busy weeked!!

But I got to kick it off with this ADORABLE little family of rambunctious boys, a sweet husband, and a lovely spunky momma.

Camille was the winner of the Dearest Honey give away a couple months ago, so she won a free session!

They were so colorful and fun to work with, we shot downtown in Provo on a beautiful spring morning.


  1. OHMYGOSH did we not just finish taking pictures like an hour ago?! You are freakin fast and these are PERFECT IN EVERY WAY!!

    1. I couldn't help myself! I had to flip through a few ;) I loved hanging out with you guys this morning!! I loved playing with your little boys and there are many more cute pictures to come!!

  2. They look great! I love the one with the town in the background. Such a cool setting!
